bauh Frucht & Nuss Mischung Sauerkirsche Mango und Macadamia steht auf einem Tisch mit der Nuss Mischung in einer Schüssel davor

Our new nut-trio.

New! Sour-cherry, mango & macadamia

Try it now!
18 buah Erdbeere Snackpack in zwei Trays aus Papier mit Aufdruck des buah Logo vor rosa Hintergrund mit 12% Rabatt Badge - Sale bei buah

Discounted for a short time only!

18 Snacks, 100% Strawberry.

Save more now!

Why are our freeze-dried fruits so delicious?

buah gefriergetrocknete Erdbeeren fallen aus liegender Dose Erdbeeren neben einer Brotzeitbox

The original of nature.

100% pure, ripe fruit.

Our freeze-dried fruits are harvested when they are fully ripe. Naturally perfectly formed and equipped with valuable nutrients. With us they become the ideal snack. Wonderfully crunchy, keeps for several months and 100% fruity.

Dose buah gefriergetrocknete Mango auf einer Picknickdecke


0% additives.

The fruit's own sugar naturally sweetens our freeze-dried fruit. We love it and think you will love it too. That's why we leave our fruits as they are, without industrial sugar, without preservatives, without additives.

Introduction to freeze drying.

Like freshly picked. Everytime and everywhere.

Our fully ripe fruits stay ripe, fresh and crunchy for several months. This is due to freeze drying. Shock freezing removes a large part of the fruit's water content using a vacuum. The fruits remain in their natural shape, color and aroma, paired with the irresistible crunch.

Viele frische, gelb und rote Mangos liegen neben und aufeinander


Viele gelbe buah gefriergetrocknete Mango Stuecke liegen neben und aufeinander

Freeze dried


Try it yourself.

Try for 30 days.

You probably love our buah products as much as we do, but in the unlikely event we give you a taste guarantee on our products. If you don't like it, send it back to us within 30 days.

To guarantee the taste

buah im Handel

Du findest ausgewählte buah Produkte jetzt auch im Handel. Die Verfügbarkeit kann in den einzelnen Filialen abweichen.

Logo der Firma DM Österreich in blau, rot und gelb, buah im Handel
Logo der Firma Rossmann in roten Buchstaben, buah im Handel
Logo der Firma Müller in Orange, buah im Handel
Nahaufnahme buah Erdbeere Snackpack mit buah Logo und buah Reinheitsgebot

buah Purity Law.

As pure as Mother Nature.

There are hardly any more important things in life than health and happiness. And since most of our sensations go through our stomach, we at buah want to be sure that only good things come in there.
So we have written a purity law that shows you how seriously we take our mission.

  • #nothingsthannature
  • without added sugar
  • no additives and E numbers
About our purity law

Known from:

Logo des Elle Magazine mit einem Artikel ueber buah Fruechte.
Logo des Women's Health Magazine mit einem Artikel ueber buah Fruechte.
Logo des Grazia Magazine mit einem Artikel ueber buah Fruechte.
Logo des Gala Magazine mit einem Artikel ueber buah Fruechte.

Delicious and diverse.

You can conjure this up with the freeze-dried fruits.

buah Dose Erdbeere & Friends neben zwei Eisbechern, die mit Erdbeere & Friends dekoriert sind

Crunchy, sweet, irresistible.

As a crunchy topping, our fruits are the icing on the cake of your favorite meal . Click here for the Crunchy Happy Strawberry & Friends .

Determine your buah taste type.

Sweet, sour or exotic? Explore your taste buds.

Video verschiedener Personen, die buah Fruechte probieren und Sie lecker finden
Mama und Sohn lachen und probieren buah gefriergetrocknete Himbeeren aus einer Dose buah Himbeeren

Welcome to the buah Bestsnacker Club.

Snack, collect points and reward.

Collect points with every buah product you purchase, which you can then exchange for discounts or gifts. And find out about new products and promotions before anyone else. After all, so much snack loyalty has to be rewarded.

Become a club member now
Gruender von buah Jessica und Daniel lachen in die Kamera und halten eine Dose buah Erdbeeren

About Us.

The story of buah.

Once upon a time there were two siblings, Jessica and Daniel Krauter. They traveled around the world and snacked on exotic fruits at every opportunity...

To the people behind the fruits

This is what our customers say.

So many customers trust us.

buah is exclusively nature.
buah is intense fruit taste.
buah is sweet, sour, exotic, crunchy – a treat for the palate.

That's what we say, and what do our buah snackers say?

FAQ: Freeze-dried fruits

Let's play a game. In the left corner is the buah fruit, in the right is a conventional fruit.