Siblings, CEOs & Visionaries
The founding siblings
At buah, growth and humanity go hand in hand. Our founders Jessica & Daniel invest all their know-how and passion in the buah family. Because a strong team with innovative products should make the big vision come true: buah as a global player in the 'natural snack' segment!

Leadership in Focus
Allow me to introduce Jessica: CEO and responsible for People & Culture, Sales and Marketing; Genius of Networking and a never-ending source of inspiration and energy.
In addition to her studies in business psychology, she has completed leadership training and coaching certification. Highly qualified and highly motivated, she does her best to lead buah to rapid success and to see every team member flourish.
It will only calm down when buah puts Ferrero in the shade and all employees work in harmony with themselves, with inner strength and with a smile on their faces.

Innovation for a Better World
Allow me to introduce myself, Daniel: Co-CEO and responsible for product development; Genius of Unknown Possibilities, spirit of innovation without limits and engine of constant growth.
As a graduate industrial engineer, he brings with him additional leadership training and know-how doping from the EO Accelerator. Full of enthusiasm for new, breathtaking snack experiences, he tirelessly dismantles every status quo and takes every concept to a new level.
Daniel will only be satisfied when buah launches a new innovation every month, the buah crunch can be heard all over the world and people of all kinds naturally snack themselves happy.