Fruit & Nut Mix Sour Cherry, Mango & Macadamia

The concentrated energy package of tropical mango, intense sour cherry and nutty macadamia. 100% fruit, 100% natural, 0% additives.

  • 100% fully ripe fruits, crunchy like chips
  • natural macadamia nuts
  • sweet and sour cherries, exotic sweet and sour mango and mildly nutty macadamia
  • completely free of additives such as salt, sugar or flavors
  • for a mindful diet: gluten-free and vegan
Sale price6,49 € (108,17 €/kg)

Tax included. Shipping calculated at checkout


Available immediately | Delivery time 1-3 working days

✓ 30 day taste guarantee Find out more
✓ buah Purity Law | 100% natural, 0% added sugar
Free shipping from 60€ (EU)

The queen of nuts and her court: This is what is in our fruit & nut mix sour cherry, mango & macadamia.

Experience sour cherry, mango and macadamia as …

  • energy snack for on the go
  • magical ingredient for muesli, yoghurt, etc.
  • snacks for delicious hours together

Have you ever tried to crack a macadamia nut? We haven't either. At least not at home. Their shells are so hard that any normal nutcracker would despair. Is that because there are so many good things hidden under the shell? After all, the macadamia is also called the queen of nuts.

And as befits a queen, Her Majesty does not travel alone. In her entourage are the tropical mango with its exotic flavors and the bright red sour cherry, known for its combination of sour and sweet.

Together, the three become a nut and fruit mix that you absolutely have to try. Mind you: fruit and nuts - because additives or artificial sugar do not go into the bag of our three ladies.

That’s why our fruit & nut mix sour cherry, mango & macadamia is so special.

Icon eines Apfel mit dem Logo 100% in der Mitte

100% fruit, 100% nut

Fruit from the tree and natural macadamia nuts – that’s all you’ll find in the packaging.

buah Reinheitsgebot Icon mit 0% Logo

No oil, no salt, no additives

Sweet and soft macadamia, mangos from the jungle and sun-drenched sour cherries – no oil, salt or industrial sugar is needed.

Icon eines Apfel mit Blatt am Stiel

So many nutrients

The best thing about 100% nature is not only the intense taste but also the valuable nutrients that you enjoy with every bite.

Icon eines ringenden Weckers

Lasts a long time

Protected from light and air, nuts and fruit stay crisp and fresh for many months.

Icon einer zerbrochenen Frucht

So crunchy!

Nuts already crunch well, but the freeze-dried fruits make the snacking fun complete.

Verschiedene Personen probieren buah Produkte und sind begeistert und gleucklich


Mangos, sour cherries and macadamia are great ingredients for many delicious recipes. But you can also create magic in the kitchen with other types of fruit. You can find ideas in the recipe blog.

All recipes with: Fruit & Nut Mix Sour Cherry, Mango & Macadamia
buah Gruender Jessica und Daniel Krauter lachen in Kamera mit Dose buah Erdbeeren

The Sour Cherry, Mango & Macadamia taste guarantee

There are two things we really don't like: additives and dissatisfied customers. That's why we give you the buah taste guarantee. It says: If you don't like the sour cherry, mango & macadamia mix, you can return the package to us within 30 days.

Three ingredients are all it takes.

A portion of sweet mango, intensely sweet and sour sour cherries, plus the gentle taste of crunchy macadamia. You won't find anything else in our snack mix, no matter how deep you dig into the pack. Because at buah you only get 100% natural products.

Viele frische, rote und pralle Sauerkirschen auf und nebeneinander


Viele runde und rote gefriergetrocknete Sauerkirschen auf und nebeneinander

Freeze dried


What resonates with you? Nothing, except nature.

Macadamia Nuss balanciert auf einer frischen Kirsche, diese wiederum liegt auf einer orangenen-rötlichen Mango, frische bei buah

First, give yourself plenty of time.

Fruits and nuts need a lot of time to develop their unique taste. They are only harvested when the mangos are round and plump, the cherries are deep red and the macadamia nuts are green and round. Every day in the sun counts for flavors, nutrients and vitamins.

Farmerin mit rotem Shirt und geflochtenem Zopf lacht in die Kamera

But then it goes quickly.

After picking, you have to hurry a bit. In order to get the best out of the fruit, we process it straight away. The nuts are cracked and left natural; mango and cherry should dress warmly, because they are freeze-dried to extract the water from them as gently as possible.

Neue Mischung aus buah gefriergetrockneter Sauerkirsche, Mango und frischer Macadamia Nuss in einem lecker aussehenden Haufen vor rosa Hintergrund

Then just pack and send.

Finally, the fruits and nuts are placed in their airtight packaging so that they arrive absolutely fresh. If you've counted: Yes, there really are only three ingredients in each package: sour cherries, mangos and macadamia nuts. You won't find any additives in them, because nature always serves us the greatest pleasure.


First, give yourself plenty of time.

Fruits and nuts need a lot of time to develop their unique taste. They are only harvested when the mangos are round and plump, the cherries are deep red and the macadamia nuts are green and round. Every day in the sun counts for flavors, nutrients and vitamins.


But then it goes quickly.

After picking, you have to hurry a bit. In order to get the best out of the fruit, we process it straight away. The nuts are cracked and left natural; mango and cherry should dress warmly, because they are freeze-dried to extract the water from them as gently as possible.


Then just pack and send.

Finally, the fruits and nuts are placed in their airtight packaging so that they arrive absolutely fresh. If you've counted: Yes, there really are only three ingredients in each package: sour cherries, mangos and macadamia nuts. You won't find any additives in them, because nature always serves us the greatest pleasure.

Macadamia Nuss balanciert auf einer frischen Kirsche, diese wiederum liegt auf einer orangenen-rötlichen Mango, frische bei buahFarmerin mit rotem Shirt und geflochtenem Zopf lacht in die KameraNeue Mischung aus buah gefriergetrockneter Sauerkirsche, Mango und frischer Macadamia Nuss in einem lecker aussehenden Haufen vor rosa Hintergrund
Neue buah Frucht & Nuss Mischung mit Macadamia steht auf einem Tisch, im Hintergrund ist eine Mama mit ihrer Tochter am Malen und Snacken

Fruit & Nut Mix Sour Cherry, Mango & Macadamia: For your and your moments.

It's dingy and grey outside. There's only one thing left to do: get creative inside. Get out the watercolours, put the child in the painting smock and together you can conjure up the sun on paper. Also have a bowl of the fruit and nut mix of sour cherries, mango and macadamia nuts handy, because creative minds need energy.

If your kids are puddle jumpers, you can enjoy the day for yourself. No watercolors, but a homemade flower arrangement. After all, you can be creative without a paintbrush. And mango, sour cherry and macadamia are also a treat in themselves.

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